Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Greg and Kara have quite a few unintentional adventures these days when they are distracted and tired from handling, listening too, and caring for Jude.

A recent example was our son's first birthday. The actual birthday was may 27th, a few days before his party. Kara had read about families that have birthday traditions where they always do the same special thing each year. She decided it would be neat to take a family photo each year at the exact time Jude was born.

jude turns ONE

It's hard after a long day with baby to get yourself looking nice. But we rushed around and were seated closed to 5:07. (we admit we moved the clock hands back a few minutes :-) )

It wasn't until a few days later Kara noticed the humorous part. You see Jude's hospital bracelet hangs above his changing table, along with a few notes and cards friends have sent. She saw that her child was actually born at 5:04.

After the photo we went to one of our new favorite 'neighborhood' places, THE DEPOT, an old fashioned diner on the chicago side of austin. Jude enjoyed celebrating with his friend joshua and Lynsey, who is expecting their second child in the fall.

birthday dinner

A good TIME was had by all, inspite of ourselves :-)

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