Wednesday, April 14, 2010

daddy's boy

The pecking order is established at the Miller house. Jude prefers to hang with dad when he's home, followed by mom and george in a tie. OK, just kidding about the tie, but clearly this baby loves his daddy.

greg & jude

For instance, we took Grandpa Henry & Grandma Nancy to Brookfield Zoo during their visit with us. Jude decided Greg's arms were way better than his stroller for the trip around the animal park. He was not into mom holding him for long. At home he also shows a similar preference unless he is A)injured or B)in trouble with dad.

2 guys & a tiger
We recently learned that Jude prefers to ride in dad's car more than mom's SUV.
road ready
We came outside to run some errands on a recent sunday afternoon. We headed down the sidewalk toward the garage. But Jude toddled over to the BMW and refused to leave. He kept saying 'uh uh uh', which apparently in Jude-speak means 'take this car mom and dad.'

no guys, let's take this one!
Fortunately Greg is very into Mister Jude as well. He and Kara enjoy their nightly 'blanket the baby' ritual. But greg is quick to remind us if we forget. Here's how it works: right before we head to bed we turn on jude's light on low, creep in, and re-cover him in blankets. The best part is seeing which unusual sleeping position/baby origami move he has chosen.
Kara takes this papa preference in stride. She sees the benefits of getting extra help from greg and is glad to feel free to leave the two of them to hang out occasionally without upsetting jude when mom goes bye bye.
We close today's post by saying thanks to Grandpa Scott & Nana Jane for the leather bomber jacket seen in our photos.
one cool baby

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