Monday, June 22, 2009

the life saver

Greg is generously giving up his free evenings and weekends to build furniture for our living room re-do. I'm so proud of the window seat he built. Each of the panels opens as a storage cabinet for Jude's toys. Last week I let Jude explore his new play space.

Jude meet the window seat

Jude can 'army crawl' now. Its an awkward, grunting, sliding combo. But he is determined to move around in his own way. He played with opening and closing the wooden panel doors several times. It was quite a process. Each pass of the door required the little guy to roll/slide/stumble to get his body out of the way, while keeping a firm grasp on the door.

Each cabinet gets one of the white bins to hold toys
Jude has now moved on... to exploring anything and everything he can grasp and crawl/slide too. That might be his safe, very colorful plastic toys. Or the cable wire, the table, or the occasional dog toy.

Kara has also moved on... she is now required to watch her previously stationary baby, like a hawk. I read recently that a parent's job from age 1 to 2 is to keep the child from killing themselves. It should be an interesting, and life saving year.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done! It looks like those cabinets will also double well as a fun tunnel.
