Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm feeling much better

grinning again
For the past 4 days we dealt with Baby Jude's first fever of his short life. Kind of monumental if you think about it.
Kara thought he felt warm before a desparately needed walk on Thursday. But then she thought she was just being nervous mommy and took the walk anyway because Jude had been extra fussy all day. Clue #2 was that Jude slept on the walk and actually fussed when she moves his hat and woke him. He never sleeps in the stroller anymore.
When they got back from the walk, little Jude had a 100.6 temperature. By 7pm that night it was 103.5, despite some baby tylenol.
The pediatrician had us switch to motrin. And because of our jumbo sized boy, they said we can give Jude the children's version instead of just infant meds.
So it began.

Jude is normally Mr Smiley and likes to play with his toys independently at times. While he was sick he just sort of laid, crashed, fell wherever we were sitting. He fussed if put down and just seemed miserable. Poor guy! He didn't even want to hangout in his johnny jump toy, which is one of his favorite things to do.

On Friday, fortunately Grandpa Scott & Jane were already planning a trip to pick up relatives at the Chicago airport. So they came up 4 hours early and sat with Mr. Jude on Friday afternoon while Kara went to work. Jane commented that it was the first time Jude just let her sit and cuddle him for long periods of time, which she loved!

Saturday was a long morning while Jude fussed and was uncomfortable. But finally about lunchtime his fever broke! He is back to his old laughing, jumping self. And his parents are very relieved.

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