Tuesday, February 24, 2009

poo poo parenting

The past two weeks have been a blur.

blurry photo, baby still cute
Greg had a stomach flu that kept him down for the entire work week. Kara cared for him as needed while keeping Jude happy, fed and rested. And then took mildly ill on Friday. We're glad there's no webcam to see what our kitchen looked like on day 3 :-)

While everyone is better, this week is Jude's turn to deal with issues. Not having dealt with an infant before I have to say that I'm against feeding solid food to babies! OK not really, but the change in the results on the other end is shocking and disturbing.
The past few days our child had apparently been having problems with that process. So after some lovely prune juice, he kept us up much of the night with his results.

relaxed bahama parents

As I watched him in the high chair at lunchtime (momentarily quiet, no whining while eating :-) )
I thought about how its the ordinary daily stuff of life that God uses to teach grace, self sacrifice and giving.

an easier baby day in the bahamas

I, a successful, smart woman, really struggled to care for sick hubby and sick baby. Today I even jokingly called Greg and asked him, on speakerphone, to have a talk with his son about pooping less. Its definetly a season of learning about holding a looser grip on my own plans and time.

On a lighter note, I think Jude has officially decided George is his buddy. He grins and babbles when George appears. Today he kept leaning way over his high chair to watch the dog. and kept reaching out his little hands from way up in the chair to try and pet george. I think the dog is only mildy amused...and perhaps jealous of all the people food Jude gets to try.

1 comment:

  1. We all do. We struggle with many things. But in the end some how it all works. I am amazed with myself after I have weeks like that and realize what I just went through and what I give up but it is a great reward at the end. I have loved the whole experience up to this point and marvel at effort it takes. But I really do enjoy the times that I have for myself and I don't feel guilty about them anymore. It really make me a better mom when I can have thoes times for just me...even if they are few and far between.
