Tuesday, November 18, 2008

bedtime rocks

tonight i just need to post and say that bedtime rocks. it has been a long day with little Jude. I thought I'd tell you about a particularly crazy few hours yesterday to make you feel apart of the miller house for just a bit.

yesterday i was hosting a guy from our church for a meeting to discuss a video series i've been asked to produce for the holiday season. He was due at 11:30.
About 11am I fed Jude. I went to change his diaper (shoot where are the diapers...need to get from drawer). Jude pees into the air and on the wall and his hand.
I wipe off and change Jude, strap him down and run to the ringing phone...in case its one of the editors i've been waiting to hear from, or russell lost for our meeting? No, its the home refinance place, so i have to ask them to call back.
I pick Jude up and he promptly spits all over his outfit and my arm.
Doorbell rings.
Strap jude down, grab sweater, answer door. 'make yourself at home'
Go back change jude. have meeting with him next to me in swing.
midway through he gets a bit fussy.
realize he has pooped through his diaper and onto his outfit and newly washed blanket.
excuse myself to change poopy baby, while also asking my guest to momentarily celebrate with me because baby has not pooped in days, so this is big deal. set up jude in pack n play with his crazy mobile.
carry poopy outfit past guest in dining room and wash in the sink. gross.

today was a challenging because jude did not take very long naps. i've come to count on that time to accomplish tasks, cleanup and recover. and when he was awake he was often making quiet whines (or not so quiet whines) we're not sure if he might be teething again already. bummer.

anyway, thanks for sharing a few moments in the life.

1 comment:

  1. Oh guys....all mom's feel your pain....all I can say is that it does not get any easier just a bit less messy as they get older.....juggle juggle juggle.

    But at the end of the day when all is done and you look back on what you did you just have to truly enjoy the fact that you are a mom...:)
