Thursday, September 18, 2008

this baby keeps on changin

We have several developments in Baby Jude's life to report.
First off, Jude is now using his Bumbo seat. If you've not been around expectant parents in the past few years you may not have heard of this. Basically its a foam plastic seat that allows young infants to sit up. Or in Jude's case to 'lounge'. They are a huge hit with new parents.
George & Jude in his Bumbo
It was so cute to see how tiny Jude looks when sitting at floor level and not in some large 'baby holder' device. He also showed us another development. He now follows us with his gaze around the room. Or in this case... he leaned around the corner in his bumbo and watched me in the hallway. It is adorable to see him pay attention to things that are farther away.

checkin out the world from his Bumbo

The next development comes with a big "Baby Book to the rescue" thank you. On Tuesday Jude woke up at 530 a.m. and began making noise. He wasn't crying, just babbling loudly. He was the same noisy early baby yesterday and today as well.
I was concerned and can i get up that early everyday??? But then a book came to my rescue.
Books by Dr. Ezzo are pretty controversial, and I can see why after reading 'Babywise', but I will give him a big thanks for helping us understand what's going on.
"It's not unusual for two- or three-month-old...babies to awaken at around 5:00 or 5:30 A.M. and talk to themselves for up to an hour. Afterward, they usually go back to sleep for another hour or so. This quirky phase can go on for a week or a month and sometimes longer. If you start to respond each time you hear a noise from the cradle, then 5:00 A.M. will become your baby's waketime--and yours too."

Thanks Dr. Ezzo for pointing out that I should NOT go in there unless Jude is upset. Greg and I listened to him this morning for a bit, but Jude went back to sleep on his own. He got up at 7:30. That's a much better wakeup time for mommy.

Jude babbling (ok just not at 530 am)

Finally we have another change at home. Jude has outgrown his fabulous rolling bassinet that came with his Combi pack n' play system. It was hard to pack that thing up today. I'm with him everyday all day almost, and yet I feel like I'll soon forget so many cute moments and cute sounds as he grows.

Jude in rolling bassinett at 6 weeks

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