Monday, May 26, 2008

Mom grew, too

This post really should be written by Kara, as I can barely scratch the surface of what it meant to have a second living creature inhabit your body (and pretty much take over) for a while. I'll just stick to the photographic evidence.

I can't recall hen the "baby bump" first started becoming obvious, but by month 5 we were in full maternity-clothes-only time. We decided to take a vacation to Jamaica as the last travel by ourselves before major travel became too uncomfortable. This was a photo from our trip on January 20th:

And here is Kara along with the lovely hosts of her first baby shower (Lynsey, Tori, Kara, and Leah from left to right). This was on March 29th:

Then we get to the Wow! photo from a trip Kara took to Wisconsin with some girlfriends at 38 weeks pregnant:
You can get the 41 weeks shot from the future posts about the trip to the hospital... which hasn't happened as of this writing.

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