Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Jude... day 2

Day 2 was a good day of Jude getting used to being alive on his own, and us figuring out how to make sure he stayed that way! It's a bit of a misnomer to call it Day 2, though... his 24-hours-old celebration was not until 5:04pm today. Fortunately he was not aware of the faux pas.

Anyway, we are feeling a little more rested now (we thank God that babies often sleep nearly non-stop during their first 24 hours), and wanted to share more photos:

Jude in the bassinet

A close-up of the little guy

Mother and son (I still think the mom is cuter, but he's giving her a run for her money!)

Father and son sharing a nap


  1. I love the shot of Greg passed out on the patient's bed. Hey - providing sympathy and support to a woman in severe pain is no easy job.
