Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy to be on Father's Day

Father's Day, Dad's capable, First Star Wars
Father's Day or Greg thanks for watching the kids day at the millers.  Kara helped with the worship music team at church today. that meant a solo morning for greg from 8-1.  its nice to be married to someone who is capable and even thrives while handling the kiddos by himself.

in capable hands

Here's a recent shot of the boys and greg during our florida vacation. yes that is an alligator skull.  

greg and the boys, May 2011

we are having a monumental afternoon.  greg decided for father's day to let jude see star wars for the first time. we are sitting watching while harry naps.  jude is asking a million questions while completely enthralled by the whole thing.   and he keeps forgetting darth vader's name.

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