Saturday, April 9, 2011

i found my heart in south carolina

The past few months of mothering felt hard. We have tons of fun and do lots of outings, but ultimately it is exhausting keeping up with and picking up after my little guy seven days a week. I had gotten to the point of wondering whether i needed to quit this job of full-time mothering and work outside the home for my sanity. I am so thankful to say that I rediscovered my heart and energy for mothering, after a nice trip away to South Carolina.

Kiawah- the back yard

I treated my brother to his airline ticket as his most recent birthday and Christmas gift. We flew the new southwest airlines direct route to Charleston, South Carolina, to visit our aunt and uncle who now live year round on nearby Kiawah Island.

4 months pregnant, with Todd at Ft Sumter

Their lovely home and the island are practically paradise. We took in a lot of history including an educational trip to Fort Sumter, the start of the Civil War.

uncle chuck & todd. civil war shell lodged in the wall

It is the first time I can remember where I left both Jude and Greg for a trip. I missed them terribly at times. But then there were wonderful moments of remembering how much I love learning history or taking a quiet bike ride. (Yes I was bike riding the beach while pregnant. It was amazing!) I came back from one ride and couldn't stop grinning.

Jude and his water play
Jude and Greg survived just fine without me it seems. They visited the zoo and a train restaurant.

I came back with fresh energy to deal with the chaos that is a two year old. And I think Greg has a new interest and appreciation for playing with Jude and taking him on adventures. My favorite part was when he said to me on the phone,"I understand what you mean about needing to talk to adults. The only adult I talked to all day was our waitress." Glad he's experienced a bit of my weeks with Jude and can listen to my trials and trevails with more insight than before.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing what time away from the kiddos can do for everyone in the family. I'm really glad you got to take this trip.
