Jude's wardrobe
The other day it got chilly so I pulled out his nautical cardigan and docksiders. They are still a bit large. But it made a cute photo before he started screaming.
preppy baby
Greg got off work a bit early today in advance of July 4th. He gave Jude a bottle while I made brownies. I came upstairs to find the holiday started early for both dad and baby.
Dad & Jude nap
Notice the blog has no photos of Mommy sleeping with the baby :-)
Jude's attire doesn't stop at just clothes. Greg's acoustic colleagues gave Jude hearing protection headphones at his baby shower. We tried them on for size in preparation for July 4th. We're expecting to watch the fireworks while Jude chills in his Baby Bjorn wearing the headphones. I'm sure it will be a funny sight! Thanks to Lora, Nesita, and NBC friends for giving us the Baby Bjorn.
Jude tries his headphones
It was amazing to see how Jude calmed down immediately when we put the headphones on. I guess the sound of silence or muffled sound was enjoyable for him.
The pictures of Jude w/the headphones are too funny. Looks like you've got another acoutic engineer on your hands