Sunday, August 5, 2012

one + one = really hard

i recently ran into a neighbor who just had her second child.  her older son is 3.  she is exhausted, not sleeping and trying to cope.

i was quick to say that parenting is really hard.  she smiled and looked relieved that someone else struggles too.  

i shared with her how it basically kicked my butt for the first seven months of harry's life, trying to figure out a new baby while raising a 3, now 4-year-old, and making even more adjustments to married life and home.

fortunately kids are cute.  who can resist smiley boys with chocolate ice cream faces?
harry's first chocolate ice cream. jude with sugar high

we have reached the age where jude and harry giggle and entertain each other.  it is mostly jude entertaining, and harry trying to crawl, cruise or grab jude.

brother share a laugh

i am glad to share these fun moments on the blog and facebook.  i am also glad you don't see how often i feel so tired i want to cry, get frustrated or even yell.  but after connecting with my baby-raising neighbor in our struggle,  i want to make sure you happens.

these days are long.  in a twist, having a lot of time with the boys comes with extra pressure.  pressure to plan activities, help them learn and force...i mean help...jude write his letters or do a craft.  sometimes i wish mary poppins would pop in and i could be the flighty but passionate mom-with-a-cause, while someone else fixed my kids and cleaned my house.  but then i'd be jealous that i wasn't a part of the big musical numbers. so that's not happening.  guess i'll have to keep praying, learning, and practicing responding like a grown up..

a quick plug for a book that is helping me:

Mom Connection by Tracey Bianchi:   my favorite tips from her- eat simple dinner on the porch one night a week to  see the neighbors, chat with the dog owners, etc.    Another one- when you're in tears or about to lose it, listen to yourself and stop. put the kids in the crib or their room and take 5 minutes to recover.  helpful for me to silence the guilt of taking a mom timeout. 

enjoy your own difficult but amazing days.  bedtime is not that many hours away, right?

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