Friday, January 20, 2012

remember when...

harry sat by himself for a few brief seconds today with dad's hands close by. it makes my heart sink just a little to realize this tiny cuddly baby is quickly growing up. soon he'll be crawling away. dang.

we had fun at breakfast this morning showing jude a classic video of him learning to sit up. he would sit for one second, get a big grin and then purposefully topple over backwards onto the soft blanket behind him.
I should remember this early glimpse into jude's personality. He still is the kid who will sit for one second or play for 20 seconds, before he gets a smile and begins to bash or mash the thing he's building, or worse, I'm building. I guess I can't claim I didn't know what was coming way back at six months old...i just didn't realize it at the time.
I think I need to learn to laugh more at his antics now like I did with sitting up. Cause after all, he sits up fine now. So I imagine one day he will build tall creations, roll or design trucks instead of tossing them, and yes, even color recognizable shapes.

by the way, i've been inspired, encouraged by a blog I came across through facebook friends recently. sometimes i feel left hanging when i am too honest in my writing or sharing with others. nice to see there are lots more women hanging out there with me.


  1. LOVE honest moms! Thanks for keeping it real :-)

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