Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jude 2.5

Our little baby whose story began in this baby blog in 2008 is two and a half! Each day is long and sometimes wonderful but it still feels surprising that the time has gone so quickly.

Jude at two and a half

Here is the info from his checkup. Weight 30lbs 8oz is the 55th percentile. Height of 35 inches in the 30th percentile. When I read the percentiles it gives me pause. But then Greg helpfully reminds me that the difference between say 50th and 30th is a few ounces or an inch. I think our boy will grow up just fine!

the best 99 cents i spent in 2010- inflatable socer ball

We are getting ready for the Christmas season. We decided to go with postcard Christmas Cards this year. I can't bring myself to go virtual with holiday cards. I still like receiving the actual greeting and photos in the mail, even though come January, I always wonder what to do with the cards. The pastor who married us has a good idea. Each year Tim and his wife Sue, pull out one Christmas card a day and pray for that person or family. We got a note in the mail last year letting us know of our day of prayer from them. Neat idea.

Hope you are all well.


  1. Wow - 2 1/2 years already. I love the top shot of Jude. What a great smile!

  2. Love the photo and I love the idea about the christmas it.
