Wednesday, October 28, 2009

a museum almost my size

Kara's quest to find inexpensive baby field trips led the family to visit the Kohl Children's Museum in Glenview recently. The entire space is set up in kid-sized, kid-friendly areas. Kara got one of the local library's coveted free museum passes to visit.

a toy OR a drawing of our route to get here?
Jude is still a bit young for the popular supermarket play area or potbelly play store, so he started out in the infant safe play area.
having a ball

We moved on to one of Jude's favorite activities.... water! Kohl has an entire room of water play where kids pull knobs or fill buckets to make things move or sail boats. Jude was a bit short to reach so we had to help hold him up.

snazzy in my water play smock

Our adorable guy also visited the instrument room, where we learned more about the science of how instruments make their noises. Jude enjoyed banging with the mallets.

baby band!

Sometimes the best toys are the ones you don't plan. Kohl has a home exhibit where kids install siding and paint rooms. The paint rollers were one of Jude's favorite play things. I would never have thought to offer him one of those before.

blue is for boys

Overall, the Kohl museum was a great way to spend a few hours. It allowed Jude to try lots of different activities in one location. We'll definitely go again when he's a little older and can participate or atleast reach more of the pretend-play activities.

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