This time last year Jude was still in mush-baby stage, unable to sit up, move himself anywhere, or do much of anything other than flail. He spent last Halloween sitting in a bouncer on the front porch dressed up as a ghost.
This year, on the other hand, Jude was in full bear regalia walking from house to house demanding candy. Well, perhaps it was just the parents demanding candy... talking still eludes the little guy. But he did enjoy repeateadly taking the candy out of the trick-or-treat bucket then putting it back in. Out, then in. Out, then in. And again.
In addition to the pictures below we did capture some video that we have not yet pulled off the camera. We'll definitely post the video; the wagging of the costume's tail due to his inimitable baby waddle was quite a sight. For now, you'll have to settle for some photos:
All dressed up and uncertain where to go
Candy comes out, candy goes in...
Off to the next house
Despite Kara's efforts, Jude is still the fiercest bear in the family