Wednesday, January 28, 2009

jude turns 8

I love the crinkly parts

Our eight month old is developing and growing so fast these days and is so fascinated and distracted by his toys and surroundings.

playing with his first ball

Just today I laid Jude down his tummy facing one way. I turn around and he's spun himself 90 degrees to play with something else. I know the day is fast approaching when he will be truly mobile and I will lose whatever 'free' time I think I have now. So I am trying to be grateful for each and everyday of whatever stage he is in. Because it appears they only keep getting harder for the next few years.

Anytime George our dog is even in the room Jude will turn or twist to see him. We've given him a few controlled opportunities to pet the dog. Usually it ends when George sneaks a quick lick on Jude's face and we move away.

cute as a button
Jude continues to be a happy baby who still likes meeting people. A big part of that is his willingness to take naps...on most days. One of our sleep books says about 16% of babies his age will also take a 3rd nap in the late afternoon. We are very happy to say Jude is among that 16%, only because he seems happier and does less crying before bed if he's had that short nap.
He is actively reaching for things and lunging while sitting up to grab stuff. Tonight for instance during storytime he managed to grab and almost pull over the lamp in his nursery.
a previous lunge-free storytime

Its a nifty baby lamp that has stuffed animals attached on the base. He caught the lion by the tail and almost ended their short animal lives. Kara had a good laugh in the hallway watching Greg try to finish the book he was reading to Jude, while Jude repeatedly arched back and lunged for the lamp.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey guys - he is just adorable and seems to be having a great time! Wanted to let you know that it doesn't get harder - it definitely gets easier as they get older. I remember the main milestones for us as were around 9 months and then around the time they start walking. I know it seems odd but it's great when they can walk themselves over to toys and you don't need to carry them everywhere! Hope you are starting to recover from the tough first half year. We are doing well and miss you!
