On Thursday Greg supervised Jude in the bath while I ran to check email. I hear Jude coughing followed by a "OH" sound. Our little guy swallowed bath water the wrong way, and then vomited on himself and into the tub. Yuck. Greg and I got him out and dried off our slightly scared two year old.
Our cute little nude guy loves to run around the corner into mommy and daddy's bathroom after his baths or anytime we are getting him ready for bed. We are still washing off his bath toys with the vomit when Jude makes his customary 10 second dash. This time though Jude runs back in and says "The Water Came Out! It came out."
I'm not sure what to think, but Greg says "Show daddy what water." We go around the corner to realize Jude has now also peed on our bathroom rug. Oh my. He didn't know how to say it or what it was, so his word choice was "The water came out". Hilarious.
talking two year old
So last night we had another experience at the dinner table. Greg and I are both tired of Jude's recent refusal to try bites of our meals. We both were calmly ready to stick to our guns last night. (Thanks Supernanny for the recent episode featuring a dinner table showdown with a 3 year old!) We told Jude he had to take two bits of bow tie pasta before he could leave the table. He passed on several chances before landing in Time Out. After Time Out he tried every game, moving the pasta, even pointing out other things in the room to discuss. Jude went back in Time Out, still no pasta in his mouth. Back at the table again, he puts the pasta in but proceeds to gag and vomit all over himself. Ick. Kara unfortunately recognizes this self-gagging, I-will-not-eat-this-food technique from herself as a kid. She knew Jude was OK when he calmly says "I all done?" Meaning, I'm done eating. So yes, he still has to eat one bite of pasta. This time...pasta in, with some encouragement from dad to break it into small pieces as he chews. Jude makes it through and gets plenty of cheers and high fives from mom and dad.
Let's hope we see less bodily fluids from our cute boy this week.